Easy Blogging For Dummies
Blooger for Word
Blooger for Word adalah sebuah alat atau tool daripada google yang di designkan untuk memudakan orang ramai untuk mempostingkan tulisan dan rencana mereka dengan lebih cepat dan efficient dimana sahaja.Dengan Menggunakan tool ini ,anda tidak perlu online lagi untuk menyipakan kerja-keja anda.
Sebaliknya dengan meng-instal-kan software ini anda akan menggunakan perisian Microsot word anda untul menyiapkan rencana anda dirumah tanpa tergesa-gesa dan juga menyimpankan rencana anda didalam computer anda .
Selepas meng-instal-kan software ini, sila bukakan Microsot word anda.
Satu toobar baru akan muncul diatas Window Word anda ,iaitu Blooger for Word.
Sila tekan Butang Blogger Settings dan isikan username dan password anda.(username dan password yang anda register kan di blogspot )dan tekan ok.
Selepas ini anda hanyalah perlu menyiapkan rencana anda dan jika anda ingin menghantarkan rencana ke Blog anda, anda hanya perlu online dan tekan butang “Publish”. Dimana satu kotak khas akan keluar .Didalam Kotak ini terdapat Post title iaitu Nama tajuk yang perlu anda isikan untuk rencana anda dan blog :iaitu blog yang anda ingin publishkan atau hantarkan sebagai draft jika anda ingin meletakan gambar didalam rencana anda dengan Save as Draft .Tetapi sila pastikan anda menutupkan dahulu Office Assisstant anda dahulu
Untuk meletakkan gambar, anda boleh ke website blooger ataupun menerusi Word anda dengan online dahulu dan tekan “Open Post”dan tekan kotak yang bertulikan kan Blooger.com dan pilihkan tajuk atau rencana yang telah anda hantarkan dan Ok!
Selepas itu anda akan dibawakan ke halaman blooger dan tekankan kotak kecil bergambar.
Anda akan diberikan pilihan sama ada meng-upload-kan gambar menerusi Blooger atau daripada website pilihan anda seperti photobucket ,gameshark,dan lain –lain.
Jika daripada blooger sila tekan browe untuk mencari gambar pilihan anda dan tekan ok dan menunggu sehingga gambar tersebut habis di uploadkan.
Selepas selesai ,sila tekan “DONE” dan anda akan lihat gamabar tersebut muncul dalam Topik halaman Blooger anda .Selepas itu anda hanyalah perlu menekan gambar tersebut dan menarikkannya ke tempat pilihan anda.
Tetapi disebabkan word adalah perisian Microsoft anda juga pelu menbuka Internet Explorer anda supaya Blooger dapat connet dengan Word Anda!
Arahan untuk mendapatknya secara pencuma
Sila masukan perkataan “blooger for word” didalam Kotak search dikanan. tool tersebut boleh didapatkan pencuma di Sponsored Links halaman Google search
Sila Baca Sini
Saya lupa untuk memberitahu anda bahawa jika anda ingin menposkan Article anda and perlu memastikan anda menutupkan office assitant anda Dahulu (iaitu character seperti wizard,kucing, yang merupakan office assistant)
Thank you !
ReplyDeletewell i have seen your program .i currently checking out your program.even though from my view it can generated fas money .
ReplyDeletebut i'm more prefer to be a web publisher. Since i'm generating almost USD200 this may.and it all just with adsense alone.
Welcome to all 52 Google Adsense member
and also for jen and ah shing for being the first two to get thier first adsense USD50 with ID check within just 1 month..Kudus..
Even though it took me almost 2 month to get that Id..hehe.
Kudus to all and keep on Blogging and Publishing.
Sincerely from Zhuo
jee i got some very strang flaming from some
ReplyDeleteclaming that Adsense is a waste of Time .
Here is my few sen to You:
well how about you go google the word
"Interesting Terengganu" at the web
as you can see my website are on the top 3 in the search list even thou it still under contruction (it my fault actualy since i'm been busy with 17 other Project.. this simple website which seem to bring me about 1 cent to 5 cent a day even though there are only 10 to 23 visitor daily .
it all about what you want.
if you are lazy then
you may earn about 1 or 3 cent per weeks ok . sooo stop blaming me .
Ps: Due to some stupid iddiot who seem to send me large attachement of rubish and also beeing also targeted with spam and chain letter :my Email at senarai_webATyahooDoTcom had R.I.P.
if you want to chat simple just post here at the my lates post
Here another easy way to make money and believe me or not a lot of people are making money...It was recommended by my friend at UNITAR and it is more better than Adsense as u are working freelance directly under a private advertisement company as full time or part time. this is because we are paid 40% of the payment that the company make of every site, per day ,which is each 50 cent. Where we r paid 20cent per website or in other word is you manage to make 3 to 7 per day or if u manage 100 website u will get 20 per day. ( Remember u can do this at ur own time.)
ReplyDeleteright now u don’t need to pay registration fees at this moment but The PROGRAM is limited for 10 person per recommend by a member only which mean Me...it is limeted for the first 10 people only. For more info u can go fallow my id Link at
zhuo X